Reading without seeing is a remarkable ability that allows people with visual impairments to access the world of books, knowledge, and stories. With the help of tools like Braille, screen readers, and audiobooks, individuals can enjoy the same information and entertainment as sighted readers. These technologies break barriers, promoting inclusion and independence. They empower everyone to explore, learn, and grow, proving that vision is not limited to the eyes but can be experienced through touch, sound, and imagination.
- Adaraneeya viktoriya (daisy audio book)
- Akalpa sanwardanaya (daisy audio book)
- Amutu ilandhariya (daisy audio book)
- 1925 – imesh madushanka yapa (daisy audio book)
- Aadi manava yugaya (daisy audio book)
- Aalyaa – manori silika wickramaarachchi (daisy audio book)
- Aashramaya saha thwath indianu keti katha (daisy audio books)
- Abaya bhumiya (daisy audio book)
- Abinikmana (daisy audio book)
- Abipreranaya saha baudhdha samuchchedana sankalpaya (daisy audio
book) - Abirahas dupathe nidhanaya (daisy audio book)
- Abirahas sabmarinaya (daisy audio book)
- Abisarikasrama (daisy audio book)
- Adara getaya (daisy audio book)
- Adaraneeya nivara (daisy audio book)
- Adarayi ahasa tharam (daisy audio book)